Give us your ideas



“齊思考、創未来” 香港集思會為香港出謀獻策

Posted in news on 四月 28th, 2009

PRESS RELEASE (Hong Kong – 28 April 2009) Established by a group of Hong Kong devotees, the Hong Kong Ideas Centre (HKIC) is an independent, non-profit organization with the objective to provide constructive and innovative recommendations conducive to Hong Kong’s economic and social well being, for reference and consideration by relevant parties and members of the public. Today, at its launching press conference, representatives of the media were briefed on the vision, mission, value, operations, areas of focus and strategic plan of HKIC.

Mr Lawrence Fung, Chairman of HKIC said, “Hong Kong is facing unprecedented challenges. How to get out of the current demise and find new directions that enable sustainable development is a shared vision of every member of HKIC.”
HKIC aims to be a substantial contributor of ideas through collecting ideas from knowledgeable people and various other sources, and build on them via conducting brainstorming, consultations and research. HKIC aims to establish and enhance Hong Kong’s position as one of the most prosperous and livable cities of the world.

“At HKIC, we harness collective wisdom and it is from which we have derived our motto, Think and build for the future,” added Mr. Fung.

Hong Kong Ideas Centre (HKIC) is an independent and apolitical non-profit organization financed by donations from a group of enthusiasts.
HKIC prides itself on having a strong network to knowledgeable people from different sectors to act as its advisors and assist it in ideas-gathering, discussions, consultations and researches on various topics and projects. At the moment, it has 34 advisors across different sectors.
“Hong Kong has many knowledgeable and experienced people. From business leaders to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, working and retired professionals, retired civil servants, academics, foreign missions and overseas chambers of commerce, Hong Kong-based Chinese enterprises to members of the general public are all valuable sources for collective wisdom,” said Mrs. Anna Lai, Executive Director of HKIC. Mrs. Lai was former Deputy Executive Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) in charge of TDC’s research, information and IT departments, among others, for many years.

Unlike most think tanks, which focus on hiring experts or use their staff to conduct in-depth studies, HKIC emphasizes more on understanding the background of its study topics and actively seeking opinions from various sources, followed by objective evaluation and screening in order to come up with constructive and innovative recommendations for dissemination in a timely manner.

HKIC’s work focuses on three main areas (1) increasing Hong Kong’s competitiveness; (2) promoting Hong Kong’s sustainable economic and social development; and (3) improving the quality of life of the citizens. Its study topics will include employment, finance, tourism, creative industry, medical and heath, talent and population policies, youth development, environmental protection, Hong Kong- Mainland integration, etc.
“Following the financial tsunami, China’s position in the world arena has become even more prominent. Hong Kong has the unique advantage of having the Chinese mainland as its hinterland. For sustainable development, we must speed up our economic collaboration and integration with the mainland.” said Mr. P.S. Yeung, another Director of HKIC and a veteran investor and management expert in electric power business in China.
Apart from the Board of Directors, HKIC has established a Strategy Committee comprising the three directorate members plus Mr. Frederick Ho Wing Huen, former Commissioner for Census and Statistics, HKSARG and current Honorary Professor of the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, The University of Hong Kong, and Professor Chan Chi Fai of the Department of Marketing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Together they will determine HKIC’s direction and formulate its strategies.

Mr. Ho has great insight into Hong Kong’s development over the years, is objective and impartial in his analyses, and is familiar with the Government’s policies and internal operations. “Population change has profound impact on different facets of Hong Kong’s social and economic developments, including housing, education, employment, talents, medical and health issues, etc. We must take an active role to plan ahead,” said Mr. Ho.

Professor Chan is an advocate of new management thinking and has numerous pupils in various sectors of the community. He will be a great resource for HKIC to recruit young talents from various sectors. Mr. Ho and Professor Chan are ideal persons for developing and driving HKIC’s activities.
HKIC welcomes young people to participate in its activities. It also plans to invite them to help organize some activities, such as talks and seminars.
“HKIC cares for the young and sees them as the future of Hong Kong. We will strive every opportunity to understand the younger generation’s views and opinions, and take the same opportunity to pass on our values, knowledge and experience.” said Mrs. Lai.