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26.9.2017 Press Conference on “The Second Investigation into Cross Border Marriages between Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland”

HKIC held a press conference to announce findings of its Second Investigation into Cross Border Marriages between the two territories. With extensive media coverage locally, in the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and several overseas countries, the subject became a hot discussion topic. Mrs. Anna LAI, Executive Director of HKIC, also accepted invitations to appear in the TV shows of RTHK’s “千禧年代” and TVB Pearl’s “Straight Talk”, arousing additional attention to the report contents.

Press Release (Chinese version only)
Study Report (Chinese version only)

cross border press conference
Cross border RTHK interview

14.9.2017 Seminar on Happy Learning

Guest Speakers:
Professor CHENG Kai Ming
Dr TSE Wai Lok, Headmistress, HKFYG Lee Shau Kee Primary School
Mr SHUM Yiu Kwong, Principal, F.D.B.W.A. Chow Chin Yau School
Ms. WONG Kwai Ling, Principal, HKUGA Primary School
Ms. YUM Chuk Kiu, principal, Sharon Lutheran School
Ms. YIP Shuk Ting, Principal, Man Kiu Association Primary School

Chair: Mr P.S. YUENG, HKIC Director

This seminar was a follow-up to the release of the “Happy Learning” report by HKIC in early 2017. Objective of the seminar was to enhance knowledge in this education philosophy, encourage exchanges among schools, and promote successful implementation of “happy Learning” in Hong Kong. Co-organized by HKU SPACE, the event attracted close to 80 participants, including education professionals, parents and Legco Member, reflecting the community’s interest in the subject.

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19.4.2017 Meeting with the Secretary for Education on “Happy Learning”

The report on “Happy Learning” released by HKIC in February 2017 met with very positive response. The Secretary for Education Eddy Ng Hak-kim invited representatives from HKIC and schools interviewed in the study for a meeting on the subject. Principals, vice principals and a teacher from 9 schools attended the meeting. Joining them were HKIC Director PS Yeung, Executive Director Anna Lai and Senior Researcher Avin Tong.


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