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Activities – 2016

19.10.2016 Hong Kong’s Electrical and Mechanical Facilities — Open Exchange with the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

Speaker: Mr. CHAN Fan, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

Pursuant to the publication of a policy study on Hong Kong’s Maintenance Industries, Hong Kong Ideas Centre organized a seminar for open exchange between the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Mr. CHAN Fan and HKIC friends. The seminar met with overwhelming response, with the participation of almost 60 people representing a cross-section of the trade and major stake-holders.

Presentation (Chinese version only)

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17.5.2016 Talk on Reverse Mortgage as an Effective Retirement Protection

Mr. Colin POU, Senior Vice President, Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation, Ltd.
Ms. Angela LEUNG, Vice President, Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation, Ltd.
Mr. Patrick WONG, Assistant Vice President, Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation, Ltd.

Public consultation on retirement protection was in progress recently. Besides emphasizing pressure to public finance resulting from universal retirement protection, the Government mentioned many times that reverse mortgage could also provide some kind of protection to senior citizens. The existing reverse mortgage programme was designed and launched by the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Ltd., which is wholly owned by the Government through the Exchange Fund. Senior representatives from the Corporation spoke to around 50 participants, arousing substantial interest in the programme as reflected by heated discussions.

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14.4.2016 Workshop on Financial Infrastructure Development and HK’s Role of RMB Offshore Centre
Lead Discussant: Mr. Esmond LEE, Executive Director (Financial Infrastructure) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority


23.3.2016 Workshop on China’s 13th Five Year Plan after the NPC Meeting
Lead Discussant: Dr. Huang Haizhou, Managing Director of Sales and Trading Department, China International Capital Corporation Ltd.


16.2.2016 Talk on Latest Situation of China’s Economy
Speaker: Dr. TSE Kwok Leung, Head of Policy and Economic Research, Bank of China (Hong Kong)
Moderator: Mr. K.C. LEONG, Chairman, Roctec Group, HKIC Advisor

China’s GDP grew by 6.9% in 2015, the slowest in 25 years. With capacity reduction, inventory cut and deleveraging as the country’s major tasks in 2016, general expectations for the Chinese economy are down. Volatility in the stock and currency markets also increased concerns about China’s economic outlook.

Dr. TSE Kwok Leung presented his views about the latest situation of China’s economy. He also analysed China’s various reform measures and policy initiatives. Almost 100 people attended the talk with enthusiastic discussions.

Presentation (Chinese version only)





21.1.2016 Seminar on How to Improve the Situation of Organ Donation in Hong Kong

Research Team of “A Preliminary Study on Deceased Organ Donation in Hong Kong” — Professor Thomas WONG, Mrs. Anna LAI and Miss Avin TONG
Professor CHAN See Ching, Former President of Hong Kong Society of Transplantation, Chief of Division of Liver Transplantation, Department of Surgery, University of Hong Kong
Dr CHAU Ka Foon, Former President of Hong Kong Society of Transplantation, Specialist in Nephrology
Ms KOO Wai Mun, Jenny, Senior Nursing Officer, Queen Mary Hospital

The research report titled “A Preliminary Study on Deceased Organ Donation in Hong Kong” recently released by HKIC aroused overwhelming response. In the study, 1,500 Hong Kong citizens aged 15 and above were surveyed and many stakeholders were interviewed in detail. It was discovered that while over 2,400 patients were awaiting organ transplant, there were only around 50 cases of successful donation each year. Hong Kong’s donation rate was well below those of many overseas territories. Although over 80% of survey respondents felt that organ donation was meaningful, only 43% of them were willing to donate their own organs. Further, among the willing respondents, 74% had not yet registered with the government. To help save more lives, HKIC put forth 13 recommendations to improve the situation.

During this seminar, HKIC’s research team presented findings and recommendations of their study. Additionally, three experts involved in organ transplantation, namely Professor CHAN See Ching, Dr. CHAU Ka Foon and Miss KOO Wai Mun, Jenny, were invited to share their valuable views and experiences. Almost 60 participants attended the seminar, including several representatives from the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority, specialist doctors and nurses, university professors, liberal study teachers, former and current senior civil servants, staffs of charitable organizations, patients and carers, family of organ donors, etc. Discussions were extremely active, reflecting participants’ interest in the subject.

Presentation (1) (Chinese version only)
Presentation (2)


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