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Activities – 2015

23.12.2015 Future Directions of Hong Kong’s Retirement Protection — Open Exchange with the Secretary for Labour and Welfare

Speaker: Mr. Matthew CHEUNG Kin-Chung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Moderator: Mrs. Patricia CHU, Former Deputy Director of the Social Welfare Department

The Hong Kong Government issued its public consultation document on Retirement Protection on 22 December, 2015. HKIC took the lead in organizing a seminar for the Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr. Matthew CHEUNG to meet HKIC friends and explain contents of the document and the government’s thoughts behind. In particular, the differences between the “Regardless of Rich or Poor” Option and the “Those with Financial Needs” Option were addressed. Over 60 participants attended the seminar. Moderated by the former Deputy Director of the Social Welfare Department Mrs. Patricia CHU, discussions were very active.

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11.12.2015 Press Conference on “A Preliminary Study on Deceased Organ Donation in Hong Kong”

HKIC held a press conference to announce findings of “A Preliminary Study on Deceased Organ Donation in Hong Kong”. Meeting the press and speaking at the press conference were Professor Thomas WONG, Advisor, Mrs Anna LAI, Executive Director and Miss Avin TONG, Senior Researcher of HKIC.

Press release (Chinese version only)
Study Report (Chinese version only)


10.12.2015 China’s 13th Five-Year Plan — Implications to Hong Kong

Speaker: Mr. Tse Yung Hoi, Chairman of BOCI-Prudential Asset Management Ltd.

Mr. Tse Yung Hoi, Chairman of BOCI-Prudential Asset Management Ltd., presented his analysis to over 60 participants on the background, directions and strategies of China’s 13th Five Year Plan, as well as related opportunities and challenges to Hong Kong. Mr. Tse has over 30 years’ outstanding experience in international banking and finance. He is involved in various public duties including being a Non-official Member of Financial Services Development Council of HKSAR.

Presentation (Chinese version only)

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24.9.2015 Rising City in a Sinking World

Speaker: Mr. Franklin Lam, Founder of HKGolden50

Mr. Franklin Lam, Founder of HKGolden50 and former senior executive of UBS Investment Bank, believes the world economy will deteriorate further in the next 5-20 years due to ageing populations and record debts, upward mobility will be a thing of the past, and business, talents and capital will move to the few places which can sustain growth. He held that preservation of business opportunities and jobs will be top priority and challenge for governments in both short and long run. To an audience of over 70 people, he explained why Hong Kong is poised to be a shining star in an increasingly desperate world, with potential to rival London and New York within a decade. He also discussed issues Hong Kong must address in order to achieve this goal.

Presentation (Chinese version only)


13.8.2015 What is the “Starting Line” – Quality Early Childhood Education Forum

Mr. PS Yeung, Director of Hong Kong Ideas Centre, Founding Chairman of Hong Kong University Graduates Association Education Foundation
Mr. Henry Ho, Chief Researcher of Hong Kong Ideas Centre

Recent years saw increased attention by countries around the world to early childhood education. Nobel laureate Professor James J Heckman pointed out that early intervention in childhood education would result in higher economic returns. In Hong Kong, the government is conducting a public consultation on Free Kindergarten Education. Concerned about their children “losing at the starting line”, many Hong Kong parents opt for “advance” curriculum of kindergartens besides sending their children to large numbers of interest groups so as to enhance their children’s “competitiveness”.

HKIC released a policy study on “Quality Early Childhood Education” in late July 2015, in response to the government’s consultation, besides submitting a number of recommendations for improvement. Speaking at this forum were the study’s supervisor Mr. PS Yeung and Chief Researcher Mr. Henry Ho, who presented the study’s findings. The forum was attended by 65 participants, including academics, teaching professionals and parents.

Presentation (Chinese version only)
Press release (Chinese version only)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (28.07.2015)


10.7.2015 “What is Justice?” Seminar

Professor Albert CHEN Hung-yee, Dept of Law, HKU
Professor YC Richard WONG, School of Economics and Finance, HKU
Rev Dr Kin Yip LOUIE, China Graduate School of Theology

Facilitator: Dr LAW Chi Kwong, Dept of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU

Recently, the word “justice’ has been widely used in the local community. Many participants and supporters of the “Occupy Central” movements claimed that they wanted to uphold justice. In HKIC’s recent study on youths, it was discovered that justice was among young people’s core values. To fight for justice, around 40% of the surveyed respondents indicated that they accepted the act of civil disobedience. When asked whether the Executive Council would discuss ATV’s licence renewal, the Chief Executive CYL replied that procedural justice had to be considered.

Apparently, the concept of justice has become widespread, though its definition, interpretation and standard vary among people.

At the invitation of HKIC, Professor Albert CHEN Hung-yee, Professor YC Richard Wong and Rev Dr Kin Yip LOUIE spoke about justice from legal, economic and religious point of view respectively. Facilitating the discussions was Dr LAW Chi Kwong, who specialized in social welfare issues. The seminar attracted almost 100 attendees.


2.6.2015 Prospects of Hong Kong’s Electoral Reform
Speaker: Mr. LAU Nai-keung

Mr. LAU Nai-keung, Member of Basic Law Committee, NPCSC, and Advisor of Hong Kong Ideas Centre, spoke to an audience of 40 people about the prospects of Hong Kong’s electoral reform.


14.5.2015 Situations and Aspirations of Youths in Hong Kong
Speaker: Mr. Henry HO

Mr. Henry HO, Chief Researcher of HKIC, presented findings of HKIC’s youth study conducted in the first quarter of 2015. The study was based on a telephone survey of 1,500 young people aged between 15-39, plus focus groups and detailed interviews. Attending the talk were over 40 participants, including current and former senior government officials, academics, youths from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland as well as HKIC friends who cared about young people. Discussions were active and moderated by Mr. CHUA Hoi Wai, Chief Executive of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. The talk was jointly organized by HKIC with the Hong Kong University Graduates Association.

Presentation (Chinese version only)
Study Report (13.4.2015) (Chinese version only)


6.5.2015 Recent Technological Developments in Silicon Valley, Inspirations for Hong Kong
Speaker: Dr. Samuel Po-Shing WONG

Dr. Samuel Po-Shing WONG is specialized in Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Trading, with extensive teaching and research experiences in various universities and practical experiences in the securities industry. He is currently the CEO and Chief Quant of 5Lattice Securities Ltd. In his recent collaborations with the Stanford University and UC Berkeley, he made insightful observations about the enormous growth in Translational Medicine and the rapid developments in Big Data Infrastructure. He inspired over 30 audiences in his presentation on how all these areas might work together to change the landscape of finance/ medicine/ insurance/ technology. Facilitating the discussions was Professor Kin LAM, Emeritus Professor, Department of Finance and Decision Sciences of Hong Kong Baptist University.



23.4.2015 The Asset Management Industry and Financial Stability
Speaker: Dr. Dong HE

Concerns about potential financial stability risks posed by the asset management industry had increased recently as a result of that sector’s growth and of structural changes in financial systems. In the April 2015 IMF Global Financial Stability Report, a special chapter was dedicated to examining the issue. Dr. Dong HE, Deputy Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund, spoke to around 60 enthusiastic audiences on the subject. Audiences included mainly practitioners of the financial industry as well as regulators and researchers. Moderating the discussion was Mr. K.C. Leong, Chairman of the Roctec Group.



13.04.2015 Press Conference on “Study on Situations and Aspirations of Youths in Hong Kong”

HKIC held a press conference to announce findings of a “Study on Situations and Aspirations of Youths in Hong Kong”. Meeting the press and speaking at the press conference were Mrs Anna LAI, Executive Director, Mr. Henry HO, Chief Researcher and Mr. Lester CHEUNG, Researcher of HKIC.

Press Release (Chinese version only)
Study Report (Chinese version only)



10.2.2015 The Future of Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre — Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
Speaker: Ms. Alexa Lam

Ms. Alexa Lam had an open exchange with over 30 participants on the prospects of Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre. Ms. Alexa Lam is Deputy CEO and Executive Director, Investment Products, International & China, Securities and Futures Commission. Participants were mainly practitioners of the financial industry as well as economists and policy researchers.


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