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Activities – 2014

10.10.2014 Future Development of Hong Kong’s Retirement Protection
Speaker : Professor Nelson Chow

In March 2013 the Commission on Poverty commissioned a study on Hong Kong’s retirement protection to a research team from the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong led by Professor Nelson Chow. Findings of the study included some controversial recommendations of concern such as the impact of enhanced retirement protection to public finance, who should foot the bill and implications to the existing Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme.

Professor Nelson Chow presented his findings to around 40 audiences who found the subject highly important and interesting.

Presentation (Chinese version only)

10.9.2014 The Proposed “Core Fund” — A Better Investment Solution to MPF Members?
Speaker : Mr. Cheng Yan Chee

Mr. Cheng Yan Chee, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) spoke to over 30 attendees on the features, background and advantages of the proposed “Core Fund”.

Despite 14 years’ implementation, the MPF schemes were under constant criticisms for their high fees, unsatisfactory performance and the provision for employers to offset severance payments and long service payments against employers’ contributions to MPF. In recent years, MPFA has launched several measures in response to these criticisms, so as to promote market competition, and to lower fees and enhance services of trustees. The proposed “Core Fund” under public consultation is the latest move by MPFA towards this end.

Presentation (Chinese version only)

18.8.2014 Possibilities of Universal Suffrage
Speaker: Mr. LAU Nai-keung

After 5 months’ consultation, the Chief Executive CY Leung submitted a report on electoral reform to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC). NPCSC would meet in late August to deliberate the report contents. Based on NPCSC’s decisions and directions, the Hong Kong government should produce concrete proposals on ways to elect the Chief Executive via universal suffrage in 2017. Such concrete proposals would require endorsement of two-thirds of the Legislative Council before they could be taken forward. So far, there had been wide differences in opinions about the election methods, leading to concerns that universal suffrage might not materialize in 2017.

Mr. LAU Nai-keung, Member of Basic Law Committee, NPCSC, presented his analysis and views about various possibilities of the electoral reform and universal suffrage. Attending the talk were 45 participants.


17.6.2014 2017 and the Years Between
Speaker: Sir David Akers-Jones, GBM KBE CMG

On 4 December 2013, the Government started a five-month consultation on the “Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive in 2017 and for Forming the Legislative Council in 2016”. So far, discussions and debates focused mainly on the former, whereas attention to the latter was relatively insignificant.

Sir David Akers-Jones, GBM KBE CMG, former Chief Secretary and Acting Governor (1985-87) of Hong Kong, and current President of the Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong spoke to around 50 audiences, emphasizing that while procedures for the CE election must be addressed, it was essential for the existing LegCo election system to be improved in time.

Speech by Sir David Akers-Jones


27.5.2014 Visit to HKIC of Dr. Chen Yunxian, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, and Study Mission on Financial Affairs from Guangdong

Dr. Chen Yunxian, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, led a Guangdong Study Mission on Financial Affairs to visit HKIC. The mission comprised 9 members, including Dr. Liu Wentong, Director General of the Finance Affairs Office of People’s Government of Guangdong Province, and Dr. Wang Jingwu, President of the People’s Bank of China Guangzhou Branch. Receiving the mission were HKIC’s Executive Director Mrs. Anna Lai, Director Mr. PS Yeung and core members of HKIC’s RMB/ Finance Interest Group Mr. KM Wong, Mr. KC Leong and Dr. Eric Yip. Open and in-depth exchanges on Guangdong-Hong Kong cooperations were conducted during the meeting.

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22.5.2014 Planning Ahead for a Better Fuel Mix — What are the Options for Hong Kong?
Speaker: Mr. Paul Poon

In response to SARG’s public consultation on the subject, HKIC organized a talk on Planning Ahead for a Better Fuel Mix for electricity generation. Mr. Paul Poon, Managing Director of CLP Power Hong Kong, was invited to speak. In attendance were almost 50 audiences, including Mr. CT Wan, Managing Director of HK Electric. Discussions were moderated by Mr. PS Yeung, HKIC Director, who has long experience in power generation investment and consultancy businesses.


7.5.2014 Press Conference on “Study on Young Elderlyin Hong Kong”

HKIC held a press conference to announce findings of ‘Study on Young Elderly in Hong Kong’. Meeting the press and speaking at the press conference were Mrs Anna Lai, Executive Director of HKIC, and Ms Avin Tong, Senior Researcher of HKIC.



Press Release (Chinese version only)
Main Study Report (Chinese version only)
Statistical Report (Chinese version only)

27.3.2014 Visit to Hong Kong Tramways Depot

A group of 15 HKIC Friends visited the Hong Kong Tramways Ltd. They were received by Mr. W.H. Tsang, Managing Director of the company, who gave a presentation on Hong Kong Tramways’ developments and strategies. Since 1904, Hong Kong Tramways has been serving the local community for more than 100 years. The iconic double-deckers provide both heritage and service values. It is close to Hong Kong people’s heart besides being a tourist attraction. With 163 tramcars including 2 antique ones, it is the world’s largest fleet of double-deck tramcars still in operation, carrying an average of 230,000 passengers every day.


25.3.2014 Possibility of a Structural Deficit — Long Term Fiscal Planning in Hong Kong
Speaker: Professor Liu Pak-wai

In June 2013 the Government formed a Working Group on Long-Term Fiscal Planning to assess the long-term sustainability of Hong Kong’s public finances, against the background of an ageing population and the Government’s long term commitments. Report of the Working Group, recently released, recommended the Government to control its increasing expenditure in line with the growth in revenue and the economy, otherwise a structural deficit would occur. Professor Liu Pak-wai, a key member of the Working Group, talked on the subject. The talk attracted over 50 participants who expressed serious concern about the issue.



7.3.2014 Understanding Rising Poverty and Inequality in Hong Kong
Speaker: Professor Y. C. Richard WONG

The Chief Executive CY Leung has made poverty alleviation one of his priorities. While many policy measures are in the pipeline, to be effective, it is important to first of all understand the crux of the problem. Prof. Richard Wong shared his latest analysis and insights on factors affecting origins of poverty, inequality and inter-generational mobility in the Hong Kong society. Over 50 participants keen on the subject participated.




6.3.2014 Visit to Hong Kong International Airport

A group of 19 HKIC Friends visited the Hong Kong International Airport to understand its latest developments and facilities, including the Integrated Airport Centre, Baggage Handling Hall and Airfield Operations. Receiving the group were Mr. CK Ng, Executive Director, Airport Operations and Mr. John Chai, Executive Director, Projects of the Hong Kong Airport Authority.

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11.2.2014 Recent Situation and Outlook of Economic and Trade Cooperation between the Two Territories
Speaker: Mr. Stanley Lau

The Third Plenum Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee laid out the roadmap for China’s reform and development in the next 10 years. Mr. Stanley Lau, Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and Managing Director of Renley Watch Group, presented his analysis on opportunities and challenges against this background to economic and trade cooperation between Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland. Active discussions were provoked among 30 participants.


6.2.2014 Hong Kong’s Population Trend and Population Policy
Speaker: Professor Frederick Ho

In response to the government’s consultation document on population policy released in October 2013, Mr. Frederick Ho, Honorary Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong, and Former Commissioner for Census and Statistics (Hong Kong: 1992-2005), gave a presentation to over 40 attendees.

Presentation (Chinese version only)


28.1.2014 Hong Kong’s Economic Prospects in 2014
Speaker: Mr. Nicholas Kwan

Upon invitation of HKIC, Mr. Nicholas Kwan, Director of Research, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, spoke to over 50 attendees on Hong Kong’s economic outlook in 2014. Mr. Kwan has 35 years’ outstanding research experience with major organizations like Standard Chartered Bank, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Merrill Lunch.



23.1.2014 Moral Education among Youths — Strategy and Experience Sharing by ICAC
Speaker: Ms. Brenda So

As follow-up to the “Whole Person Education” Report released sometimes ago, HKIC organized a talk on “Moral Education among Youths”, drawing on the strategies and experiences of ICAC. Speaking was Ms. Brenda So, Acting Principal Youth and Education Officer of ICAC.


9.1.2014 Success Stories of Mainland Professionals and Students in Hong Kong
Speakers: Mr. GENG Chun-ya, Mr. MIAO Yi and Mr. WU Hao

The report on “Mainland Professionals and Students in Hong Kong” released by HKIC in November 2013 aroused considerable interest. As follow-up, HKIC invited three mainland professionals to speak about how they met up challenges in Hong Kong and their feelings about the Hong Kong environment. Supporting organizations of the talk included the Think Tank of the Federation of Alumni Associations of China Colleges and Universities in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Association of Mainland Graduates.

Mr. GENG Chun-ya is an entrepreneur in the IT field, Mr. MIAO Yi a lawyer, and Mr. WU Hao a senior executive of Bank of America Merrill Lynch. They all received tertiary education in Hong Kong and are important officer bearers of various alumni associations of mainland graduates in Hong Kong. Over 40 participants attended the talk.


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