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Activities – 2013

4.12.2013 The Third Plenum Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee
Speakers: Mr Tse Yung Hoi and Mr Andrew Fung

Speaking to some 60 participants at a HKIC talk, Mr Tse Yung Hoi, Chairman of BOCI-Prudential Asset Management Limited and Council Member of Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council, together with Mr Andrew Fung, Executive Director and Head of Global Banking and Markets of Hang Seng Bank, interpreted the latest roadmap for China’s further reform and development as laid out by the Third Plenum Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.


25.11.2013   Press Conference on Mainland Professionals and Students in Hong Kong

HKIC held a press conference to announce findings of ‘Study on Mainland Professionals and Students in Hong Kong’. Meeting the press and speaking at the press conference were Mrs Anna Lai, Executive Director of HKIC, and two researchers, Dr Elvis Luk and Ms Avin Tong.

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Press Release (Chinese version only)
Study Report (Chinese version only)

19.11.2013 The Problem of Cross-boundary Students: Implications and Solutions
Speaker: Mr Ma Siu Leung

At the invitation of HKIC, Mr Ma Siu Leung, CEO of Fung Kai Public School, gave a talk on the challenges brought by the increasing number of students who cross the border from Shenzhen daily to attend schools in Hong Kong. Speaking to 28 participants, Mr Ma offered some practical solutions to alleviate the problem.

Presentation (Chinese version only)


4.10.2013 Sharing Session on Antarctica Expedition
Speakers: Mr PS Yeung and Ms Irene Chow

Mr PS Yeung, Director and Member of Strategic Committee of HKIC and Founder and Managing Director of World Power Investment Ltd., and Ms Irene Chow, former Member of the Incorporated Management Committee of HKUGA Primary School and former Assistant General Manager of HSBC, shared with some 50 participants their observations and feelings about nature from their recent trip to the Antarctica.

Presentation and photos


17.9.2013 The Social Impact of Mobile in the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong
Speakers: Mr To Cheung and Mr Sunny Kok

At a HKIC talk, Mr To Cheung, Chairman of Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) and Founder and Director of UDomain Web Hosting Co. Ltd., took a closer look at the rising challenges and opportunities faced by the local mobile technology industry. Addressing the challenges ahead, the other speaker Mr Sunny Kok, Executive Committee Member of WTIA and CEO of Green Tomato Ltd., calls for local mobile technology developers to concentrate on the ‘niche enterprise market’ rather than the ‘mass consumer market’. As a practitioner, Mr Kok has strong belief that the mobile industry could be a new growth engine for Hong Kong’s economy.


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13.9.2013 Cross-border Marriages between Hong Kong and the Mainland
Speakers: Mrs Anna Lai and Dr Elvis Luk

HKIC’s Executive Director, Mrs Anna Lai, and Principal Researcher, Dr Elvis Luk spoke at a talk and shared with participants the findings of a recently-released report on cross-border marriages between Hong Kong and the Mainland China.

Presentation (Chinese version only)


2013.8.20 Press Conference on Cross-border Marriages between Hong Kong and the Mainland

HKIC held a press conference to announce findings of ‘Study on Cross-border Marriages between Hong Kong and the Mainland’. Meeting the press and speaking at the press conference were Mrs Anna Lai, Executive Director of HKIC, and Dr Elvis Luk, Principal Researcher of HKIC.


Press Release (Chinese version only)
Study Report (Chinese version only)

6.6.2013 Hong Kong’s Water Resources: present situation and potential concerns
Speaker: Dr HF Chan

At a HKIC talk, Dr HF Chan, Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Water Resources and Quality of Water Supplies as well as Managing Director of Cinotech Consultants Limited, shared his views on the present situation of and potential concerns for Hong Kong’s water resources. Dr Chan presented a picture of water shortage worldwide, and analysed the prospects of water supply from the Mainland. He also called on Hong Kong people to conserve water as the territory’s per capita consumption of 220 litres per day is well above the world average of 120 litres.

Presentation (In Chinese only)
28.5.2013 Hong Kong’s Land Reserve: a Dialogue with the Secretary for Development
Speaker: Mr Paul Chan

At a HKIC seminar, Mr Paul Chan, Secretary for Development, explicated the challenges arising from the land development process and discussed the urgency for building up a land reserve for Hong Kong. The Secretary also outlined the Government’s short, medium and long term measures to boost land supply and discussed the feasibility of these measures. The seminar, chaired by Mr Patrick Lau, the former Director of Lands Department, attracted some 60 participants.


9.5.2013 The Winning Ingredients of Website Development
Speaker: Mr Alfred Tsoi

There are websites about many things but the question remains why some websites are more popular than others. Mr Alfred Tsoi, CEO of JDB Holdings Ltd. and former Vice President and Managing Director of Yahoo! Hong Kong, offered his answer at a HKIC talk. Speaking to over 60 participants, Mr Tsoi shared his insights and experiences in developing and maintaining successful websites, and discussed the 4 ‘O’s strategies, i.e. Local, Social, Mobile, and Video, commonly deployed in popular portals.
2013.3.6 Press Briefing on Mutual Recognition of Investment Funds between Mainland China and Hong Kong

HKIC held a press briefing on the just-released report on Mutual Recognition of Investment Funds between Mainland China and Hong Kong. Meeting the press and speaking at the briefing were Mr Nicholas Kwan, Project Consultant and author of the report, as well as two HKIC advisors Mr Wong Kai-man and Mr Leong Ka-chai.

28.1.2013 The Political and Economic Power of Social Media
Speaker: Hon Charles Mok

HKIC invited the Hon Charles Mok, Legislative Councillor (Information Technology), to give a talk and to analyse the application, role and prospects of social media in business and politics. The talk was attended by some 40 participants from various sectors.


24.1.2013 HKIC held a press conference to release an analysis report on the post-90s. Meeting the press and speaking at the press conference were Mrs Anna Lai, Executive Director of HKIC, Dr Albert Chau and Mr Jacky Cheung, honorary advisors of the youth study, as well as two researchers, Dr Elvis Luk and Ms Avin Tong.

Press Release (24.1.2013)(Chinese version only)
Main Report (Chinese version only)
Post-90s Telephone Survey Report (Chinese version only)
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