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Activities – 2010

5.12.2010 A press conference was held to release an analysis report on the development of the third runway of the Hong Kong International Airport. Meeting the press and speaking at the press conference were Mr. Patrick Lau, HKIC’s Airport Study Group convener, as well as Mr. Albert Lam and Professor Yeung Yue-man, members of the study group.
Press Release
HKIA Report

26.11.2010 What are the prospects of Hong Kong’s retail industry? What are the opportunities and threats? At the invitation of HKIC, Ms Caroline Mak, Chairman of the Hong Kong Retail Management Association and member of the Provisional Minimum Wage Commission, shared her views with some 40 participants on the lucrative retail opportunities in the Mainland and the impact of increasing operating costs on Hong Kong’s retail industry. Ms Mak also singled out, with examples of the plastic shopping bag levy, nutrition labeling scheme, and minimum wage policy, the challenges of increasing government legislation and regulations to the retail industry.

17.11.2010 What does it mean by ‘China model’? HKIC invited the Founder and Chairman of the Hong Kong Policy Research Institute, Prof. Yip Kwok-wah, to offer his distinctive views on China’s development model. The ‘China model’, Prof. Yip explained, is not a replication of development models from foreign countries; instead it is a manifestation of Chinese national characteristics with reference to its 3,000 years of history. Prof. Yip also pointed out that the ‘China model’ is not prefect and needs to be constantly improved. The talk was attended by about 40 participants.

3.11.2010 At the invitation of HKIC, Mr Charles Li, Executive Director and Chief Executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), gave a talk on Hong Kong’s development as a RMB offshore centre. As one of the most knowledgeable and influential representatives on RMB issues, Mr Li enlightened the audience on the strategic development of HKEx and its pivotal role in RMB internationalisation. Mr Li considers that HKEx has a dual role to play: on the one hand, it bridges China issuers and international investors, and on the other, it connects international issuers with China investors. The talk attracted some 50 business executives and government officials, and received overwhelming response.

14.9.2010 The post-Financial Tsunami era saw both opportunities and challenges to Hong Kong manufacturers and exporters in the Pearl River Delta (PRD). How are Hong Kong companies adapting to such changing business environment? And what are the impacts on Hong Kong’s economic and trade prospects? Speaking to some 40 audience at an HKIC talk, Mr Stanley Lau, Chairman of the PRD Council and Deputy Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, expressed that Hong Kong business community in the PRD faces a path full of challenges. In particular, he voiced grave concerns about the proposed regulations in Guangdong on collective wage negotiation and on democratic management of enterprises.


26.8.2010 At the invitation of the HKIC, Mr Chan Man, Deputy General Manager of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, addressed a talk on RMB services in Hong Kong. Sharing with some 40 financial services professionals and business executives, Mr Chan analyzed the paradigm shift of the RMB business policies after 2009, explored the potential demand for RMB services and discussed related practical issues.



17.8.2010 National financial security has been a major consideration in China’s monetary and economic policies, especially in the aftermath of the financial tsunami but the concept is rarely understood by outsiders. Towards this end, HKIC invited Mr Tse Yung Hoi, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the BOC International Holdings Limited and President of the Chinese Securities Association of Hong Kong, to address China’s perspective of national financial security and its implications for the future development of the banking and finance industry. Speaking to an audience of 50 senior government officials and senior executives from various financial institutions, Mr Tse enlightened the audience on the strategic importance of national financial security to the development of RMB business in Hong Kong.



11.8.2010 A research team led by Mr Wu Chuanming, Deputy Consultant of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Bureau, Zhuhai Municipal People’s Government and Prof Chen En, Director of the Research Institute of the Special Economic Zones, Hong Kong and Macao, Jinan University visited the HKIC and exchanged views with Mrs Anna Lai, Prof Frederick Ho, and Dr Elvis Luk on Hong Kong-Macao-Zhuhai cooperation and the development of National 12.5 Plan.


29.7.2010 A meeting was held between HKIC and Academy of Macroeconomic Research, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Hong Kong’s roles in the National 12.5 Plan. The NDRC delegation, led by Prof Wang Yiming, Vice President of Academy of Macroeconomic Research, Mr Zhang Yansheng, Director of Foreign Economic Research Institute, and Dr Ye Fujing, Deputy Director of Macroeconomic Research Institute, had a fruitful exchange with HKIC representatives, including Mrs Anna Lai, Mr P S Yeung, Prof Frederick Ho, Mr K M Wong, Mr K C Leong, Mr K C Kwok, Mr Edward Leung, Mr Peter Leung, Mr K T Tse , Ms Viven Li and Dr Elvis Luk.

15.7.2010 HKIC members visited the School of Chinese Medicine at the Hong Kong Baptist University. Members had a fruitful exchange with the Dean Prof Liu Liang, Associate Dean Prof Wendy Hsiao, and Prof David Fong, CEO of the Institute for the Advancement of Chinese Medicine Ltd., on recent development of Chinese medicine education, research, and health care.



12.7.2010 What are the roles of today’s youth? What specific skills do they need? And what challenges are they facing? In a meeting chaired by Mr Lawrence Fung, Dr Rosanna Wong Yick-ming, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and National Committee Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, shared her views with HKIC members and offered some policy recommendations.



30.6.2010 A highlight of June was a HKIC talk in honour of Dr Huang Haizhou, Managing Director of the China International Capital Corporation Ltd. (CICC). At CICC, Dr Huang also serves as Head of Sales and Trading Department as well as Executive Chairman of the Capital Market Committee. Attended by about 40 business executives, the talk covered a wide range of important issues on RMB internationalisation.


29.3.2010 A press conference was held to announce second round study and recommendations to speed up development of HK into an Offshore RMB Centre. Meeting the press and speaking at the press conference were Mr. Lawrence Fung (Chairman) and other RMB Study Group members including Mr. K M Wong, Mr. Leong Ka Chai and Ms. Vivien Li.
Press release
Executive summary
Research report

21.3.2010 A press conference was held to recommend 10 measures to promote Development of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong. Meeting the press and speaking at the press conference were HKIC Chairman Mr. Lawrence Fung, HKIC’s Chinese Medicine Study Group Dr. C. H. Leong, Dr. Ko Wing Man and Professor Liu Liang and the Study Group’s Member Mr. S. C. Mak.

Press release
Key recommendations
Research report

10.3.2010 Ms. Ann Rutledge, Founding Principle of R&R Consulting, New York, and Adjunct Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, delivered a talk on ‘Structured Credit Ratings in Asia: Why the Past is not a Good Guide to the Future?’ The Talk was moderated by Dr Samuel Wong, Assistant Professor of the Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Ms. Rutledge offered her views on the design and credit rating process of the structured products, and on the evaluation of the regulations and risk of credit rating. A total of 26 participants attended the Talk, including Ms. Au King-chi, Mr. K C Leong, Dr. Dragon Tang, Prof. Veronique Lafon-Vinais, and Mr. Alan So.


22.1.2010 A delegation of Hong Kong Ideas Centre visited Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, and met with Mr. Lu Yu Bo, Vice-president and other representatives of the Hospital. During the meeting, Mr. Lu gave a detailed presentation of the work and activities of the Hospital, and opportunities for collaboration between Hong Kong and the mainland in the practice of Chinese medicine were actively discussed.

Led by HKIC Chairman, Mr. Lawrence Fung, the delegation consisted of Mr. SC Mak, Miss Zina Wong, Mr. PS Yeung, Mr. Frederick Ho, Ms. Teresa Tong and Ms. Anna Lai. The visit was arranged with the assistance of the Liaison Office of the The Central People’s Government in Hong Kong.



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