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Learning without Class Report
Study Report (Chinese version only) (December 2020)

An Analysis of Liberal Studies, in particular Modules 2 & 3, by Examining the Textbooks and Teaching Materials in the Markets to understand
i) How these Teaching Materials Satisfy the Requirements and Meet the Objectives Set Down by the EDB; and
ii) How the Teachers Manage and Deliver these Materials In the Classrooms.  

Study Report (Chinese version only) (23.11.2020)

*This research project is funded by the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special Round) from the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of The Government of the HKSAR.

Second Study on Cross-border Marriages between Hong Kong and the Mainland
Press Release (Chinese version only)(26.9.2017)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (26.9.2017)

Study on Happy Learning in Hong Kong
Press Release (Chinese version only) (27.2.2017)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (27.2.2017)

Study on Enlightenment from Hong Kong’s Maintenance and Repair Industries
Press Release (Chinese version only) (16.08.2016)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (16.08.2016)

HKIC’s Submission in response to the Government’s Public Consultation on Retirement Protection
HKIC’s Submission in response to the Government’s Public Consultation on Retirement Protection (Chinese version only) (19.5.2016)

A Preliminary Study on Deceased Organ Donation in Hong Kong
Press Release (Chinese version only) (11.12.2015)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (11.12.2015)

Study on Quality Early Childhood Education
Press Release (Chinese version only) (28.07.2015)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (28.07.2015)

Situations and Aspirations of Youths in Hong Kong
Press Release (Chinese version only) (13.04.2015)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (13.04.2015)

Study on Conservation of Historic Buildings – The Way Forward
Press Release (Chinese version only) (3.11.2014)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (3.11.2014)

Re. Submission on the Three-Runway System Project at the Hong Kong International Airport
Submission on the Three-Runway System Project at the Hong Kong International Airport (Chinese version only) (25.8.2014)

Study on Young Elderly in Hong Kong
Press Release (Chinese version only) (7.5.2014)
Main Study Report (Chinese version only) (7.5.2014)
Statistical Report (Chinese version only) (7.5.2014)

A study on Mainland Professionals and Students in Hong Kong
Press Release (Chinese version only) (25.11.2013)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (25.11.2013)

What’s Up, Post-90s?
What’s Up, Post-90s? (Chinese version only) (August 2013)

Study on Cross-border Marriages between Hong Kong and the Mainland
Press Release (Chinese version only) (20.8.2013)
Study Report (Chinese version only) (20.8.2013)

Mutual Recognition of Investment Funds between Mainland China and Hong Kong
Press release (Chinese version only) (27.2.2013)
Main report (27.2.2013)

Post-90s Study
Press Release (24.1.2013) (Chinese version only)
Main Report (Chinese version only)
Post-90s Telephone Survey Report (Chinese version only)

Whole Person Education
Press release (Chinese version only) (11.12.2012)
Research Report (Chinese version only) (11.12.2012)

Housing Demand Forecast for Hong Kong (2013-2022) (Chinese version only)
Study Report (10.2012)

Recommendations for Improving the Community and Residential Care Services for the Elderly in Hong Kong (Chinese version only)
Recommendations for Improving the Community and Residential Care Services for the Elderly in Hong Kong (8.2012)

Hong Kong’s Private Healthcare Market (Chinese version only)
Hong Kong’s Private Healthcare Market (11.2011)

Report on Hong Kong Governance (Chinese version only) Report on Hong Kong Governance — Revised Edition (10.2011)

HKIC’s Response to the Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan 2030 (4.7.2011)(Chinese version only)
HKIC’s Response to the Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan 2030

Hong Kong Scholarships and Bursaries Guide
Press Release (6.2011)(Chinese version only)
The Guide and Preface (Chinese version only)
Scholarships and Bursaries Guide – Primary Education
Scholarships and Bursaries Guide – Secondary Education
Scholarships and Bursaries Guide – Post Secondary Education
Scholarships and Bursaries Guide – Advance Education
Scholarships and Bursaries Guide – Others

Study on Associate Degree Education in Hong Kong
Press Release(Chinese version only)(4.2011)
Study Report (Chinese version only)(4.2011)

Third Round of Recommendations to Reinforce HK’s Position as a RMB Offshore Centre
Press Release (Chinese version only)(4.1.2011)
Study Report (Chinese version only)(1.2011)

Urgent Greenlight for Third Runway
Press Release (5.12.2010)
Report on Urgent “Greenlight” for a Third Airport Runway (12.2010)

Recommendations to Develop HK into a Regional Hub of Quality Education
Developing Hong Kong as a Regional Hub for Quality Education (Chinese version only)(4.2010)

Promote Hong Kong as an RMB Settlement Centre
Second Round Study and Recommendations To Speed Up Development of HK into an Offshore RMB Centre (Chinese version only) (3.2010)
Second Round Study and Recommendations To Speed Up Development of HK into an Offshore RMB Centre (Research report) (Chinese version only) (3.2010)

Chinese Medicine Study
Development of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong – Key Findings and Recommendations (3.2010)
Development of Chinese Medicine – Background report (3.2010)

Environmental Protection Study
Developing a “Green Economy” – Promoting Hong Kong’s Sustainable Development through Environmental Protection – Key Recommendation (Chinese version only) (9.2009)
Building a “Green City” – Promoting Hong Kong’s Economic Development amd Social Progress through Environmental Protection – Research Report (Chinese version only) (9.2009)

Creative Industries Study
Study on Creative Industries in Hong Kong – Key Recommendations (8.2009)
Study on Creative Industries in Hong Kong – Research Report (Part 1)(8.2009)
Study on Creative Industries in Hong Kong – Research Report (Part 2)(8.2009)
Current scenes of proposed “Creative IN Zone” (8.2009)
Conceptual Map on “Creative IN Zone” (8.2009)

Promote Hong Kong as an RMB Settlement Centre
12 Measures to Promote Hong Kong as an RMB Settlement Centre (Chinese version only) (7.2009)
Measures to Promote Hong Kong as an RMB Settlement Centre (Research Report) (Chinese version only) (7.2009)
The Opportunities and Challenges Arising from Cross-border Trade Settlement in RMB in Hong Kong (Chinese version only) (5.2009)

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