Give us your ideas




  • Provide a platform with supporting resources to facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas from among various sources in relation to enhancement of Hong Kong’s competitiveness, sustainable socio-economic development and improvement of quality of life;
  • Identify resource persons of diverse expertise and background, and provide an encouraging and enabling environment for them to deliberate, discuss and research on topics of their own choice or forwarded to them;
  • Organize and maintain useful knowledge and information databases for reference and application in the conduct of exploratory studies, consultations and research;
  • Collect constructive and innovative ideas from various sources and subject them to further evaluation, research, consolidation and integration;
  • Identify and organize appropriate channels for dissemination of ideas, analyses and policy/ action proposals to relevant authorities and the general public;
  • Promote adoption of such policy/ action proposals by relevant authorities through proactive presentation and other appropriate means.


  • Brainstorming sessions and networking activities
  • Consultations
  • Desk research
  • Surveys
  • Case studies, field visits and interviews
  • Seminars and talks
  • Conferences and forums
  • Press articles, press releases and press conferences
  • Print and online publications and newsletters
  • Website
  • Other related activities

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