Give us your ideas



Chu, Patricia

Posted in advisors, organisation on May 6th, 2009

patricia-chuMrs. Patricia CHU BBS, MSW, RSW

Chairperson of the Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region Limited (CIFA)
Chairman of the Asian Academy of Family Therapy (AAFT)
Chairman of the Hong Kong Anti Cancer Society (HKACS)

Cheng, Patrick YC

Posted in advisors, organisation on May 6th, 2009

patrick-yc-chengProf. Patrick CHENG Yiu-chung CBE, JP

Chairman, Jian Hua Foundation
Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Hong Kong
National Member, 9th to 11th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

Yeung Yue-man

Posted in advisors, organisation on May 6th, 2009

yeung-yue-manProfessor YEUNG Yue-man SBS, OBE, JP

Emeritus Professor of Geography, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Former Director, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and Former Head, Shaw College, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Yen, Tony

Posted in advisors, organisation on May 6th, 2009

tony-yenMr. Tony YEN SBS

Former Law Draftsman, HKSARG
Adjunct Professor, City University of Hong Kong and Shue Yan University, Hong Kong
Vice Chairman, Neighborhood Advice Action Council

Wong, Richard YC

Posted in advisors, organisation on May 6th, 2009

richard-wongDr. Richard WONG Y. C. PhD, SBS, JP

Chair Professor of Economics
Former Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, University of Hong Kong